Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Thursday, October 30, 2008



Whatever it is, breathe!

'Won't Die One' is one commonly heard phrase you would hear from me. It is precisely the fact that our lives are firmly held in His hands that we 'won't die', unless He says so. So how? Give your best and keep running despite having the seemingly neverending and winding journey staring right at your face.
Bottom line: If you feel like *blah*, then ask why are you still doing what you're doing. Simply because if you remember the reason why you began what you're doing, then you either stick to it (and not complaint, i.e. shut up) or you move on, for the fact that what you're doing no longer fulfills your original vision.

Disclaimer: original vision. That leaves you with no space to state that your vision has changed. It shouldn't, abruptly.

There is a need for clarity. Otherwise, the journey ahead will never make sense to you. Perhaps, you might even give up that journey :)

keep_running. keep_cycling. keep_growing.

It does not matter if you're a tall or short tree. What matters most is that you keep growing.


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