Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Monday, October 06, 2008

Singing: "You're the Inspiration..."

Of late, I have been growing. Physically. Sideways. Roundways. I have also grown in unity of the 6 packs into 1. Not to mention a discriminating picture of me being posted elsewhere. Also, the comments that followed both in the post and the tagboard. Gosh... I almost couldn't recognise myself.

Oh, back to the topic.

I have been recently inspired by a brother of mine to really get back into shape, for both running and riding. I went for rides over the few weekends and I felt really great! Well of course, I was trailing since I, being full of ignorance, went on a ride with seasoned riders. It got my butt aching but body feeling great. So here's me sharing my inspiration with all closet readers!

Check out my buddy with his aspirations. You will see only 2 pictures. The first, which is made known to public even on facebook. The other, was never revealed. I wonder how I found it...

Here's the first:

National Treasure:

Boy, I gotta run now! Literally!


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