Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Monday, September 08, 2008


Yeah, here we go.

Not my favourite snack but got to consume them of late due to a silly fall. I had a long and tedious journey tracing back to this root cause.

Honestly, I thought life would draw to a close within the months to come. It dawned upon me that I don't want to end the journey yet although it's not a choice for me. I still want to train students. I have much to say. I still want to be part of the process in changing lives, positively.

Doctors are interesting people. Some diagnose using experiences. Some diagnose based on their knowledge instead of symptoms. Some, however, are simply there to help. The last category sets me on a more peaceful note each time I see them. Well, so much for all the consultations. Just did an X-ray and found that I have got NO wisdom tooth, saved for 1 at the lower bracket far far away from the muscle strain.
I'm not dying and I AM NOT SICK. My right jaw got inflamed. That brought about an irritation at the nerve located just behind the jaw bracket. Thus, the pain all over above the neck.

Here's a look at some interesting buttons:

From Foodie

From Foodie

They call this steriods.
From Foodie

And a French-wannabe drink coupled with some yummilicious Delifrance snacks on half-priced sale at noon. I must say my appetite improved of late. :)

There's so much more to it in life than sulking, emo-ing and indulging in self-pity.

Thank You thank You thank You. You made life meaningful, purposeful and alive.
You gave me a vision of my own, a purpose and You gave me life.
Man, there's just so much more to life than what we see now. That makes living each day so much more different.


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