Coffee bean + boiling water = sweet aroma

Patience. So I'll wait for the sweet aromaaaa

Friday, August 29, 2008

What people do when they reach office early

Here's what I attempted to do whilste waiting for 8:30am to crawl by. I'm early, realy early.

So I shall do up a quick fix for those hungry foodies.

Vanhouten Almond White Chocs! Not my favourite but am captured by its sweetness and fresh taste of almond.

Here's a closer look at it

Quick! Guess what's this?? Bad lunch. Nothing beats a bad lunch and a dissatisfied stomach. ROAR. No go la, I would rather go for the original Snickers Bar, peanut, anytime.

Not advicable. Please don't do this to yourself. In a moment of thirst and the lack of putting ideas through a proper thinking process, I bought Yakult. 1 tube. I finished them all within 10 minutes.

Shiok. It sure feels great to have those L. acididophilus going down your throat but you surely didn't know that it has got plenty of sugar content in it yes? Vitagen, on the fl!pside, has lesser in comparison. Of course, we all know how packaging plays a part. And yeap, I had a good time for the next few days clearing the bowels.


How can I miss these Shokudo pictures out?

My fav, the Grill section

MUST TRY: Fresh Prawn wrapped with Bacon (yes, pork) and grilled to perfection, slightly cooked to bring forth that juicy and tenderness of both the bacon and prawn. Oiishi!

Grill Salmon. Ganbette.

Garlic Fried Rice. The rice is fragrant yet does not overpower itself with garlic. It's just nice and I enjoyed it! See, my expression.

Hokkaido Style Curry Potato Pizza. Crispy crust with a spicy taste coming from the curry powder.

Jac's fav.

To top it off, this Orangina drink was certainly the right one to complete the meal.

Been eating much, but the exercise does not compensate! How??

Well, it's a form of release for me. Eating. ha ha HA.

Next up, Chinatown.


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